Let’s say you’re old enough to have played video games in the 90s. If so, you know what we’re talking about: cool sceneries made of not-so-tiny pixels and amazing 2D adventures – the young millennials were having a blast.
Now let’s take a look at today’s video games: immersive 3D experiences, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality… we’ve come a long way since the 90s!
Why is 3D content so appealing and why is it so valuable to your marketing mix?
3D is the future and it’s already here.
It’s only a matter of time before 3D content becomes the norm and users demand this technology more and more.
It’s not just about being techy and having interesting content to showcase: 3D content helps your ads stand out from the competition, capture the user’s attention and make your product memorable, disruptive and even more unique.
According to Forbes, 3D ads increase click through rates by 5x and increase the time users spend with the ad. Additionally, 3D content can improve traffic quality, reduce bounce rate, and increase your return on ad spend.
But there’s more: as human beings, we live in a 3D world. Exporting it to virtual scenarios can break down the boundaries and blur those between real and imaginary. Our brains can easily interact with this type of content; we understand the message better and are more interested in engaging. Not bad!
Think storytelling: 3D content makes each story more engaging and familiar to the audience. Creating a storytelling marketing campaign can benefit enormously from 3D elements.
3D and augmented reality
Do you know what’s better than offering your audience 3D content? Let them integrate them with real life. And guess what, that’s just what Augmented Reality does.
3D content allows you to create engaging marketing campaigns that blur the lines between reality and the virtual environment.
Users can try your products, place them in the space around them, rotate and move them as much as they like, making them more real than ever.
About 3D content
Now that we have discovered all the advantages of having 3D content within a marketing strategy, let’s see how to manage it.
Here are the most popular 3D formats:
OBJ: It’s trendy and mostly used for 3D design. However, it has some disadvantages, such as not allowing animation.
FBX: supports animations; therefore, it is regularly used in the film industry.
glTF: the most advanced, allows multiple animations on a single file. Developers from Google, Microsoft, and Adobe, among others, use glTF for 3D content.
Sure, creating your own 3D models isn’t easy, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back with our vendors who build your own 3D assets.
Predictably, marketing is moving towards bringing real life closer to virtual scenarios, making advertising more engaging, thanks to AR and 3D. Taking advantage of it in the initial stages can help you stand out from the competition and increase CTR and ROI.